Saturday, November 14, 2009

LeT's GO To THe DeNTisT!!!

The boys had their first trip to the dentist in October! Let me tell you, God bless Pediatric Dentistry!! Couldn't have asked for a better staff for the boys....they both did great!!!:)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

HAppY #4 PaRKeR!!!!!!

Parker turned 4 in September...where does time go? He is so grown up! And very interested in Spiderman, if you couldn't tell:) He wanted his birthday at Chuck e Cheese again, so thank you to our friends & family who joined us to celebrate!
And Kody....well, he had a nice right hook for the mouse.....

THe KiDDos....beINg KiDs!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Summer 2009 in Okoboji

The boys, once again, spent a 2 weeks at Lake Okoboji with Grandma & Coach. They talk about their adventures daily!! As you can see, they were non-stop the entire time....I consider them 2 very lucky little boys to get spend that time with family:)