Tuesday, December 1, 2009

TRiP tO CaLiFOrniA!!!

In October, we all took a trip back to California to see my family. We spent one day at the Pumpkin Patch, and one day at Disneyland....the kiddos were tuckered out!! But they are already talking about a return trip:)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

LeT's GO To THe DeNTisT!!!

The boys had their first trip to the dentist in October! Let me tell you, God bless Pediatric Dentistry!! Couldn't have asked for a better staff for the boys....they both did great!!!:)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

HAppY #4 PaRKeR!!!!!!

Parker turned 4 in September...where does time go? He is so grown up! And very interested in Spiderman, if you couldn't tell:) He wanted his birthday at Chuck e Cheese again, so thank you to our friends & family who joined us to celebrate!
And Kody....well, he had a nice right hook for the mouse.....

THe KiDDos....beINg KiDs!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Summer 2009 in Okoboji

The boys, once again, spent a 2 weeks at Lake Okoboji with Grandma & Coach. They talk about their adventures daily!! As you can see, they were non-stop the entire time....I consider them 2 very lucky little boys to get spend that time with family:)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

We'Re BaCk!!!

Sorry it has been soooo long since I last updated you!! Parker and Kody welcomed a new lil sister, Zoey Adair, last January....and life has been busy since! But, here we are to update you on the summer!!!:)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

HaPPy #2 KoDy!!!!

On Dec 3rd, Kody turned TWO! We celebrated at the Railroad Park in Scottsdale. Kody & crew rode the train, rode the horses on the merry-go-round, bowled w/his new bowling set in the grass, and he rode his new bike around the park. Favorite part was still the icing on the cupcakes (right aunt Emma??) Parker REALLY wanted to help him open his gifts....such a nice big brother:) Its amazing how fast they grow up!!!


Sorry for the late posts! Its been a busy 2 months! Right around Thanksgiving, Parker and Kody and Daddy went w/Grandma & Coach on the Polar Express up in Williams. The boys were absolutely fascincated by the train, the bells, Santa's appearance, etc...I got them the movie right after and it became an instant favorite. Looks like this will be a seasonal tradition!!