Thursday, October 30, 2008

PumPkiN PaRtY!

Parker had his pumpkin party at school today and here is the costume that he got to make:) They paraded around the school and then stopped to have cookies (which they all got to frost and decorate on their own), he was loaded up on sugar right before nap!! I will post more pics of the boys after tomorrow....they are very excited to collect candy! (great)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

ThE HaPPiESt PLacE On EArTH!!!

The boys and I spent the weekend in Cali with my family....and went to Disneyland!! We all had so much fun, especially since it was their first trip. Parker had wide eyes the entire day, but fell asleep before we left the parking lot after 6pm:) Kody took a "catnap" on the train, but was still exhausted at the end of the day! Thank you Mimi, Papa and Aunt Emma for coming with us!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Parker and Kody enjoyed a wonderful fall day at the pumpkin patch in California. We ended up taking 3 small pumpkins home that they could carry themselves:)

Golfin' with Daddy!!!!

My Little guys are becoming quite the golfers! Daddy takes them every chance he gets.....PGA tour hopefuls??:)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

LovE ThE BeAcH!!

Summertime at my home in Cali is beautiful! The boys enjoyed building sand castles and playing in the cold ocean water! We are headed back there this weekend!!